What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an energy based healing practice rooted in ancient China. Spanning 3,000 years of continued application, acupuncture is still the initial choice of healthcare by millions around the world.

The principal idea within Acupuncture is cultivation and maintenance of Qi (life-force). This profound life-force is generated within all people. It causes optimal health as well as undesirable diseased states to occur.

Properly manage Qi (life-force) promotes harmonious states of wellness. However, if Qi is degraded by life challenges, poor diets, lack of rest and exercise then various diseased states will occur.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture is a method in which fine needles stimulate energetic points on the body which cause an energetic response. This response is an intentional shift into better states of health.

An acupuncture point is an energetic “sweet spot.” Much like a whirlpool or tornado, an acupuncture point provides certain qualities of energy in a vortex-like manner. When needles are inserted and manipulated within acupuncture points the body responds in specific ways. These responses are critical for determining correct treatment prescriptions.

These energetic points are aligned on specific channels which are associated with major organs of the body. Twelve primary channels function as an interwoven network organizing the body into a coherent whole. A healthy flow of Qi can function efficiently and intelligently through treatment of acupuncture points on these twelve major channels.

When all channels are well functioning, health can be experienced.   

The practice of acupuncture redirects the body’s energy patterns to move in healthy directions. This correction of imbalance is made possible with the use of fine needles. These needles are inserted in specific parts of the body which cause healthy change to occur. Consistent acupuncture treatment is a way of maintaining optimal energy movements that sustains well-being. 

A person’s state of health can indicate to a physician which acupuncture points need to be treated with needle stimulation. The body will respond in unique ways to each inserted needle which allows for healthy energetic shifts to occur. This needle-based effect influences the reestablishment of health.

What Should I Expect During My First Acupuncture Treatment?

Beginning a consultation the acupuncture physician will examine the patient’s overall state of health. The consultation consists of questions regarding a patient’s main complaint, pulse and tongue diagnosis, as well as palpating various channels of the body. After comprehending all relevant information, a formal diagnosis can be made. From this point, the practitioner will select the most appropriate points for treatment. 

Each needle is carefully inserted with a specific intention and technique. Some points are tonified as others are sedated. Much like an electrician, the acupuncturist is able to turn on and off qualities of energy as they relate to primary concerns of health. Once all needles are inserted, the patient is left to rest while a healing response is generated. This “resting” phase of treatment is of utmost importance and generally takes thirty minutes or more.               

What Does Acupuncture Feel Like?

Many stated sensations experienced during acupuncture treatment are warm watery movements flowing through various channels of the arms and legs. Also noted is a sensation of subtle electrical movements or immediate relief of pain.    

The general repose of acupuncture treatment is a feeling of calmness, lightness, and ease. Many people feel refreshed and more alert. It is best to stay relaxed after treatment and not engage in any rigorous activity.

How Often Should I Get Acupuncture Treatments?

Receiving acupuncture once to twice a week is ideal for health improvements. Some serious conditions respond best to three to five treatments a week. Consistency of treatment is of utmost importance which leads to dramatic improvements in overall health.  

Utilizing acupuncture for your optimal benefit is basic. Be consistent with receiving acupuncture treatments. In addition to receiving regular treatment many patients start to identify causes of imbalanced energy. When these root causes of unhealthy symptoms are known, corrective measures can be taken.   

What is Acupuncture Used to Treat?

Acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of health problems. This includes acute and chronic pain, digestive difficulties, insomnia, mental and emotional challenges, women’s health, headaches, and age related degradation.

Most importantly, acupuncture can act as a form of preventive medicine by regulating the proper flow of Qi circulating throughout the channels of the body.

Acute and Chronic Pain

The most common use of acupuncture is the treatment of pain. Pain is addressed through a variety of acupuncture techniques. Diagnosis of pain is generally the result of stagnant Qi or Blood.

Once diagnosed, the clinician will recommend and provide a series of acupuncture treatments for pain relief.

Digestive Difficulties

Acupuncture is used to treat digestive difficulties such as Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), bloating and gas, and gastroparesis.

The list below contains the most common digestive issues that are treated with acupuncture.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Acid Reflux (GERD)
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomitting
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Bloating and Gas
  • Gastroparesis

An acupuncturist determines the best treatment based on the patients symptoms.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), is gastrointestinal disorder characterized by symptoms including chronic abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits such as diarrhea and constipation. Studies by the World Journal of Gastroenterology show that acupuncture helps alleviate symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and irregular bowel movements by promoting the proper function of the digestive system and reducing stress, which can exacerbate IBS symptoms.

Acupuncture helps treat IBS through the regulation of gastrointestinal motility, reducing pain and cramping, reducing stress and anxiety, reducing inflammation, and balancing gut bacteria.



Mental and Emotional Health


Women’s Health




Age Related Degradation


What Are Some Common Acupuncture Techniques?

Below you will find the most widely used acupuncture techniques.


Cupping therapies is often combined with acupuncture treatment. Cupping is the use of mild to moderate suction around painful areas that disperse stagnation of Qi and Blood. The cups typically leave discolored marks which is indicative of released congested energy that has been pulled to the surface of the body. Cupping is commonly used after an acupuncture treatment and tends to amplify the overall effect.   

When Was Acupuncture Invented?

Acupuncture is a 3,000 year old science born in China. Its ancient roots and modern use is indicative of its practicality. The direct treatment based approach made acupuncture a vital role within integrative medicine.

Acupuncture’s simplicity provides patients an option to a more personalized approach towards wellness. Though the western medical mindset was initially apprehensive to this form of treatment, acupuncture has gone from mere pseudo-science to a fully accepted and encouraged path of healthcare.