
At Kyle Roberts Acupuncture, we offer acupuncture treatments and ayurveda practices that address disruptive energy patterns. After observing how energies affect the overall health of your channel systems appropriate treatments are recommended and provided.

My process involves identifying the root cause of disorders and creating personalized treatments. Disruptive energy pattens can result in physical pain, debilitating emotions, or dysfunctional biological processes. Acupuncture and ayurveda intends to resolves these problems through a series of practices.  

Treatment primarily consist of using small, stainless steel sterile needles. These needles serve as a guiding force that causes energy to move in a specific way within the body.

With subtle needle stimulation within acupuncture points the body will react by reorganizing challenged energy patterns. These negative energy patterns are resolved through the body’s innate response to needle stimulation during each treatment.

When a supportive flow of energy is reestablished then health and vitality can be experienced. 

My strategy in the clinic is to make treatments as customized as possible. This addresses your unique presentation of health as well as your individual needs. As we work together, we will both learn and grow into the best path forward.     

My approach is as follows: 

  • observance of energetic states
  • identification of root causes
  • specific acupuncture treatments, moxabustion, and cupping therapies
  • ayurvedic guidelines for purposeful living