Using Acupuncture to Treat Pain

Determining root causes of pain can be complicated as it is typically chronic in nature. My primary focus is determining what channels as well as what areas of life feel, “stuck.” When zones of stagnant energy are identified then treatment can be initiated. 

The primary objective in treating pain is simply moving Qi and Blood. This can be done with herbal formulas that encourage stagnant energy to move. Herbal formulas differ from one another depending on the type of pain and its location. Once a proper formula is selected then consistency with taking herbal medicine is of upmost importance. 

How Fast Does Acupuncture Work to Reduce Pain?

People are often fascinated with how fast acupuncture alone can reduce pain. For some, people pain reduction is slight and gradually improves a day after treatment.

For others, total pain reduction can be felt immediately. Many find regular acupuncture treatment reduces pain to a point that they feel life feels new again. Again, consistency in treatment is important which allows for congested energy to open and return to free movements. 


With a combination of these three approaches (herbal, acupuncture, cupping) pain can be significantly reduced. Living with chronic pain can diminish the quality of life if left unaddressed. Receiving regular acupuncture treatments is a way to bringing part of your life back.